create blog on blogspot

To create a blog on you need only Gmail account in the previous article I have shared about platforms for blogging.

To Know More About Read The Given Below Link-

Now let go to to create a blog but as I first said that you need Gmail address.

If you don't have then read the given below link "How To Create Gmail Account".

Now put your Gmail address and password then you will get access to dashboard as shown below screen shot-
create blog on blogspot

Then click where the above image tell you to do!!!
create blog on blogspot

Now Put you name Where the above image telling you to do!!
After then clikc on below button "Continue to Blogger".
create blog on blogspot

Then you will see the screen as I have given above screen shot.

Now Click on "New Blog".

Then a new window will popup on the same window like as given below
create blog on blogspot

Now put blog title name "you can change it later".

Now put your own desire name there as I have putted on the below screen shot, like I have putted "99techblog".

Then after you will see like as I have choose given below the screen shot.
create blog on blogspot

Now choose templates for your blog, I recommend you too choose "Dynamic View", to choose just click on that image of "Dynamic View" then the colour will surround on the image like I have attached just above.

Now click on "Create a blog", then wait for few seconds while creating your blog on

Congratulations you created a blog, you are few steps behind to make serious money online.

Now your browser redirect you to a new window and you can see on that window like this option I have given below-

Now click on "Start Posting".

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