Keywords in Title, On Page Optimization, seo
Update 2020-
I have shared information regarding keywords title few years back, but today I am updating because things changed now.

Now people like to do voice search, so it is much better to write descriptive titles, as well as descriptive content so that people will more engage.

Example- it is better to write title- What are Most Important SEO Tips to Get Organic Traffic than title- Most Important SEO Tips for Organic Traffic.

It is 2021, its time to deliver extra.

So, if you are going to write any article please write much more valuable content in terms of number of words as well as useful for users.

Before writing any article, do research and see how others are writing, here is the simple rule to follow that is 2X rule as a beginner and 5X rule for being on the top.

Here, is the main concept of it.

If you are writing an article for a topic on the same topic if there is article already exist then just do analysis of first 5 articles ranking on Google and see how they are writing and what they are missing.

Now its time to apply the rule, which rule I have shared on the above, that is first apply 2X means write 2 times better content on the same topic, take your time write best, proof read and then publish and of course then promote it.

Keywords are keys for getting organic traffic, organic traffic means traffic from search engines, if you have read my blog post about basic SEO tips from Google then probably you know, how blog post title is important to get your blog post on the search engine result pages, may be on the top of the result pages for a query.

You can also get your blog post on the top of the search engine result pages but to make it happen for your blog post, you need to write a lengthy blog post at least have 1200  words then only your blog post is going to stand on niche like blogging tips, SEO Tips, make money online tips.

Probably you are thinking, why for these niches?

The answer is quiet simple, these niches having maximum number of queries in the world, alone make money online having almost 300,000 per month worldwide queries, then definitely there are many bloggers, webmasters or may be website owners are writing a blog post on this topic, then the next question is that who's blog post will be on top.

The answer is simple, whose blog post is lengthy with quality means people are reading the post to full fill their purpose and they got that much staff from the article, which search engine come to know from time spend by reader on the blog, but lengthy article does not mean you will write anything, then again it will be wastage of time nothing else, write everything about the blog post title to make it more useful for your blog readers, get that!

Now straight come to the main point of this blog post, how would you use keywords in your blog post title to drive more traffic from search engine, probably you wanted to know about that, that's why you are reading this blog post till now!

Here is the answer for you, use important keywords first then use other none important keywords, probably this is not that much clear for you, that's why lets take an example regarding this to make it clear for you.

So, here is the example for you, I have written a blog post about SEO tips for blog, so I have decided to give title name of the blog post is "Top 11 Best SEO Tips for Beginner Bloggers"

Here are things to know for you, I have given first keyword is TOP, which is important people search TOP SEO TIPs like these keywords, people rarely search SEO Top right.

So, I have strat keyword TOP then 11 which is seems odd but effective till now for this blog post, this blog post still on the top of the search engine result pages, when people search "Top SEO Tips for Beginner Bloggers", or probably "Top SEO Tips for Bloggers", so I have used keywords in the title of the blog post according to keywords are important for people for searching on the search engines.

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Noteworthy Points for Using Keywords in Blog Post Title-

Well, using keywords is really important, but overwhelming is really worst I don't know why people try hard for this, the main reason is that they wanted to get success overnight and that's not possible at least in blogging.

So, here are note worthy points for you-
  • Use keywords but with limit
  • Don't try to do perfect SEO that's not good 
  • Practice and keep practice to find out the best out of it
  • Try to write details articles and never copied from any one not even an idea to make your blog unique.
I hope this concept about SEO is clear for you, but remember write a blog post, what is unique, which is discovered by you, not by others, do lots of experiments set a small target and achieve it, because ultimately which will lead you to achieve the big target.