In this blog post I am going to share with you, how can you change your Blogger Templates, well for this you must have a blogger templates in .XML version, then it would be possible, well I hope you have your own blogger templates, that's why you are searching for changing your blogger blog templates.

Well, lets go to the tutorial, as usual first go to<Click on Your Blog<Then Click on "Template"(This option you can see on the left side of your your desktop<Now Click on "Backup/Restore"<Now You will see a small popup window will open<Now Click on "Choose File"<Then Choose the .XML file to change your blogger templates<Now click on Open<Click on "Upload", wait for few seconds to upload the file, It will be change automatically.


I know it is little difficult for newbies, that's why I have created a image, which have steps by steps method to change your blogger template, so the image is given below with screen shots.
Change Blogger Template, Blogspot template

Now hopefully you have changed the blogger template successfully, if you have any problem now even, then don't hesitate to ask.

Well, let me tell you one more thing about changing blogger template, before going to change blogger template, don't forget to backup your blogger template, well for backing up your template click on "Download Full Template", as you can see on the screen shot, where you have been ask for Upload your template.

Happy Blogging, I am repeating again, don't forget to ask questions by commenting below.

Advice Regarding Changing Blogger Template-

Okay, may be you are thinking to download any template or you want to just change blogger template because provides couple of templates, see dear if you want to grab the attention of readers on first time then you need to just read this section carefully, because I am just going to share with you couple of real life experience, okay lets compare with the physical store.

Suppose that you are going for buying cloths, if you have money then in which store you will choose to buy cloths of course the branded one, any brand.

Okay, how you will come to know about branding showroom?

By just looking at the showroom right, if you don't even heard about that brand yet, even then you will enter into the showroom, like the same in here in case of blogging, if you will choose right template, I mean to say there are couple of things you need to see before going to install a template to your blog, if you are really thinking about blogging and earning passive income from blog, okay here are couple of things you need to notice-
  1. You need to choose mobile friendly as well as desktop friendly template, in other words we can say you need to have all device friendly template that is also known as responsive template for more conversion, more quality traffic and of course to get help from search engines too.
  2. Look of the template is also important
  3. One great thing I came to know from one of the professional web designer that is Google Page Speed checker you just check before going to use it on your blog.
  4. Good navigation bar for the blog
  5. Of course must have footer and sidebar for increasing your revenue through ad networks, affiliate marketing [Which is recommended for all to earn BIG bucks]
Yes, all these things you must consider before going to install a template for your blog, My recommendation to you is all features I talk; you can not find out in free templates, yes this is true and if you are not a designer then it will take long time for you if you can able to design may be few months even then there is no guarantee that you can able to design the template right, if you want your blog template will be design by someone then you can contact me, I will provide great template in very cheap price and of course that template will have all features.

I hope you got something from this blog post, if you have question don't forget to ask me by commenting below.