Best Way to Earn Pocket Money, Indian Student Earn Money, Earn money Online in India
It was 2009; when I usually spend about 2 to 3 hours on internet cafe to increase scraps on Orkut and it was become my prime interest other than study well I do all these after college and once up on a time I heard about earning money online from one of my friend he is belonging from Delhi, well even he was not having knowledge about all these but yes one day I came to know about this from him and I have started searching about earning money online and I have waste lot of time on search about few things like-
  1. How to earn money by clicking ads [How stupid was that; I mean is there anyone who is going to pay for just clicking on ads but yes it was but in that time we did not have such thing but later on I found a website that is I got paid several times from this website but I have earned almost all commission because of affiliate marketing]
  2. How to earn money for free [The question was right but unable to find out right answer to this question]
  3. How to create a website for free and earn money [I came to know a website that is, I have created several websites with it and got nothing because that was not for me]
  4. And I just keep on searching daily at least 2 hours and got nothing
So, like others I did not get frustrated because I was learning lot of things day to day, one day I was going outside of my college and we are all there and one of my friend ask me about my earning money online and they all make fun of all these because I was studying mechanical engineering and doing all these computer work.

So, after making make fun of me all stop there and suddenly one of my friend told me about, well he was my room partner, let me tell you dear if someone anything which is good for me, I always try to implement and just after reaching my paying guest room, I have just open my laptop Dell Inspiron 1464 and connected with Micromax 3G modem for accessing that website.

Well, in that time the look of was different than now, but still is providing such an amazing service for all those wanted to start blogging with free of cost and no advertisements at all and there are many features they have integrated with this platform like-
  • You can edit your blog template according to you
  • Statistics of your blog and there are other features inside this
  • Adding authors up to 100
  • You can add your own domain name
  • SEO point of view it is good too
  • Great platform for writing blog post with lot of preloaded features 
  • You can make your blog private as well
  • If people will comment on your blog then you have all control whether to publish it or not
  • Google Adsense integrated [Google Adsense PIN Problem in India, What is the Swift Code of SBI Branch, My First 10,000 Impression on Google Adsense]
  • and there are many other features integrated in this platform including lots of widget.

Blogging is Recommended for Students to Earn Pocket Money-

See, there are huge buzz in the blogging sphere between two blogging platforms those are blogger and word press both are good, but having some limitation and word press is not having such limitation but word press required investment about $40 for buying domain name and hosting both and all technical set ups too, but if you want then I can do all technical set ups for you, even I can teach how to start with it. [Get Discount on Hosting With HostGator Review]

but; if you want to start blog with blogger then I will recommend you to buy a domain name because its really worth because its really needed for getting numerous benefits of it like-
  1. Easy to remember for readers therefore fans of your blog will increase pretty fast.
  2. Good for getting traffic from search engines
  3. Branding of a blog
  4. Authority of the blog
  5. Revenue of the blog will be multiply
See, there are many reasons I recommend everybody to start blog, if anyone wanted to earn passive income online, I mean if you are working today, okay let me break down it to your level that's why it will be easier for you to understand.

See, as I am writing this article and I will publish and I published it that's why you are reading this article right, now think about it as people will keep reading this article for life and I will be keep earning each and everyday by doing nothing.

That's why I am saying dear its a way to earn passive income, I hope now you get it.

Writing E-books & Sells of Instamojo, Amazon Kindle-

Wait, Go slow and put concentration to read it- steps I am telling you which I have followed to earn money online and the same thing I am telling you, may be you are thinking how I came to know, yes dear nobody told me step by step guide that's why it took time to find out great source to earn money online but dear I promise you will not take that much time because I am going to open an amazing door for all, those wanted to earn money online and you will get step by step process.

Okay, so the question is remain?
How you can earn money online by writing e-books actually the platforms I have shared with you those are Instamojo & Amazon kindle. I have used both the platforms and both are just amazing, well I have also written a great review about Instamojo on this blog you can read it, I have also publish regarding my success story as a writer on Amazon Kindle in India.

Actually, one of my kindle e-book got sells rank 502 in India among all paid kindle books on Amazon market place.

Is not that amazing?

I have also used Instamojo [Earn Money Online in India book published on this platform] to market my blog and it has been downloading many times till I was promoting the free e-book it was getting 10 downloads everyday and it was 2014 and in that time my blog reach was quite less but today I have thousands direct contacts those are my loyal readers, I have more than 10,000 subscribers and its increasing every day and that motivate me to work more and more.

Creating Course to Earn Big Money Online for Students-

I know may be you are thinking this is not possible, right. but let me tell you dear its possible, because I have interview a student who earned more than $1000 from India and just creating course on Udemy. And he did it in just few months and as I am writing this blog post he is earning money on auto pilot because he worked earlier for creating those courses.

That's prove that any student can easily earn money by creating course online and it is also proven that you can earn handsome income from the process I have shared with you, but you need to first decide what you know? in which area you have interest and based on that you can create course and you can earn money for lifetime. Is not that amazing. I think so I don't know what you are thinking?

There are several benefits of creating course for students to earn money-
  1. Once you will create course you will keep earning so you will have time freedom
  2. Its a one of the great platform to publish course and earn money because they have more than 10 million students. Is not that cool
  3. Its really easy to get paid in India
  4. You can choose any topic according to your own interest like MS Word, Power Point, Excel anything
  5. You can choose pretty good price for the course but my recommendation is always set price according to the value you are giving in the course in order to get good response from students.

But All in One is Blogging in Short AOB for Students to Earn Pocket Money-

I know you are here that means you are serious about earning money online but I don't know why you wanted to earn money online, may be you wanted to buy a good smartphone may be apple or may be you wanted to buy a laptop and may be in good range about 50000 RS.

See, till now I am just guessing what would be the reason? I hope you know the reason behind earning money online, okay I know you want some pocket money right but what you are going to do with money? More strong will be the reason. It will become much easier for you to get success online in terms of earning money online.

I don't know what you are going to do but I will suggest you to start blogging because it is the simplest and most effective way to start earning money online to get lot of things online but most important things are three-
  1. Money Freedom
  2. Fans all around the world
  3. And of course time for living better life style.
Now the question is that how you can start blogging, I mean is there any step by step guide for you then let me tell you, there is an effective free guide for you, which will help you to start your blog and earn money online, let me tell you dear it already help more than 10,000 in just one year and this year I have target to help more than 20,000 people to create their blog and earn money, okay here is the guide to start blogging for beginners.

There are several ways to earn money but sticking to one and try to grab the original concept to get success is the key to get success in online business, because many jump here to there without knowing the right concept because there are lot of sources available in the internet and all of them can not work together for you, so choose any one and stick to it.

That is the great way to achieve your target in less period of time, This is the concept I have learn in last five years of blogging and I told everybody about it because this is really a key concept although you have to keep learning but this is really an enjoying period for me.

Is there anything I missed in this article about earning pocket money for Indian students?