Clicksor Review 2017, Review, Contextual networks
I am writing this review because one of friend ask me to write "Clicksor Review 2021", it was 2012 when I was not that much good in blogging, but still I was getting about 10,000 page views per day on my blogs, decent is not it, but dear traffic is not equals money, yes I was making about $10 to $20 per day but I was happy because I did not know much about blogging and then I jump into affiliate marketing, its awesome because its not about getting much traffic its about getting quality traffic to your blog and then getting more sells of a costly, value aided product.

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And guess what?

You can able to earn more money from your blog, but yes those are new to blogging world getting sells through their blog is difficult, even I will suggest you to try but first try to earn some money from ad networks like Clicksor, there are many other networks with them I have also worked, I mean I have added their code to my blog and earn $1000 from them.

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I am really happy because of that and I really feel lucky, okay that's enough to make you understand about me and my passion about blogging, so what you are going to learn from this blog post?
  1. Brief About Clicksor
  2. Approval Process of Clicksor
  3. How Much You can Earn from Clicksor
  4. Top Things to Know About Clicksor
  5. How to Sign Up for ClickSor
  6. Ways to Get Paid Through ClickSor
  7. Minimum Threshold to Get Paid
  8. Key Advantage and Disadvantage of Clicksor
  9. Ad Formats of Clicksor

Brief About Clicksor

Clicksor is a contextual ad networks, well every bloggers or publishers used ad networks in order to earn some passive income online, if you are in the same case then you can go for Clicksor for earning some decent income online without any tension of getting sells.

Just you need to have high volume traffic and there you go, I know there are many those don't get approval from Google Adsense and well if you got then that's great but those did not get for them this ad network is also good.

Well, Inc is a sister company of YesUp Media Inc. It was founded in 1999 and incorporated in 2001, headquartered in Toronto, Canada.

Now lets talk about its popularity, as per my knowledge this is one of the top ad networks company in the world and of course I must say this company must be under 20 ad networks companies.

You can check my article about Highest Paying CPM Networks for Publishers
CPM Networks in India, Highest Paying

Approval Process of Clicksor

About Clicksor, Company Profile
Most of the time publishers wanted to know approval process of ad networks, so here I am sharing with you its approval process, its really simple almost any blog or websites got approval from this ad networks, so there is no barrier of getting approval just you need to have good traffic in order to earn good money.

How Much You can Earn From Clicksor

No limit, your earning will be depend on your traffic quality, location and of course quality of blog you have, if you got high quality content in your blog then it will be awesome and of course your earning will be more, as per my experience I got maximum about $1 per click and that is awesome, if you will see Adsense alternatives.

Top 10 Things to Know About Clicksor

Clicksor key points
This is one of my favourite section, when I write review about any ad networks, because through this section you can come to know about the ad networks at a glance, so here are those eye catching things about Clicksor.
  1. It is one of the top contextual ad networks
  2. Its worldwide alexa rank is 21,989 and that's good
  3. There are about 5000 websites or blogs links to this ad networks
  4. Most of the male candidates used this network
  5. It is easy to use their platform.
  6. They got good customer support team
  7. Minimum threshold to get paid is $50
  8. Approval process of Clicksor is easy, simple and faster
  9. They provide wide range of ad formats
  10. You can get paid through Paypal, which is one of the favourite way to get paid, here is my recent payment proof through Paypal.
Paypal India, Payment Proof

How to Sign Up for ClickSor

Yeah, the joining process of Clicksor is simple, of course you need to have a blog or website to join Clicksor as a publisher and start earning money from this ad network, so here I am going to share with you steps for joining-
  • First of all you need to click here to land on its official page
  • Now Fill the required information after clicking on Free Sign Up on the below " Publisher Solution"
  • There you go, now you need to wait for the approval, as per my experience almost all type of blogs got approved by Clicksor, that is not the big deal at all.

Ways to Get Paid Through ClickSor

There are many ways to get paid from Clicksor, but if you like to get paid from any networks outside in India then is therefor you Paypal, because getting paid through Paypal is just too good for me, I mean think about it if someone send me money to my paypal account and within one or two working days I got money in my bank account, does not matter in which currency I got paid but money will be my own country currency.

That is the real help by Paypal for Indian blog publishers, freelancer or I must say those are earning online, here is the awesome article about Create Paypal Account in India & Get Verified.
Paypal India, Verified Paypal Account
Here are ways to get paid from Clicksor-
  • Check
  • Wire Transfer and
  • Paypal

Minimum Threshold to Get Paid

This is one of the most important question for many because there are above 95% bloggers motivation source is money even I fall in this category because if you will see outcome of your work then it will motivate you to work hard and you can able to get success in easily.

And in internet marketing getting success means its a big deal, because you will earn money that you can not earn from your day job, well most of time we have seen this [Day Job Vs Blogging]

Minimum threshold to withdraw from Clicksor or to get paid is $50, if you want to get paid through Paypal and Check.

And if you want to get paid through Wire Transfer then you need to earn $1000 then only.

Key Advantage and Disadvantage of Clicksor

Here, I am not going to share with lot of advantages or disadvantages. I am going to share with you only one, which will help you to know better about this ad network.

Pro of Clicksor-
Very easy to join

Con of Clicksor-
Minimum $50 need to earn to withdraw 

Ad Formats of Clicksor

Well, there are many new edge ad formats Clicksor is having and its really amazing to get more clicks, ad views which equals more revenue for you, so here I am going to share with you all ad formats those really you need to know.

High Quality Graphical Ads-
media Ads, Clicksor ad format
Pop Under Pop Ads Format-
Pop Under Pop Ads, Clicksor Ads Format
Text Link Ads-
Text Links Ads
Interstitial Ads Format-
Clicksor Ads Format, Interstitial Ads
Text Link Banner Ads-
Banner Ads, Clicksor Ads Format
yeah, now its time to write finishing words about this ad network, well don't you feel amaze after seeing all these ad formats, I am here feeling amaze, what you are feeling there let me know?
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Easy approval process, Good way to get paid, great type of ads formats, good user interface, easy way to integrate ads and of course good way to earn from blog, but you need to have good amount of traffic in your blog.

Because earning money from ad networks required good traffic volume, which will come after writing good, useful, lengthy content in your blog and then promotion.

What do you think about Clicksor let me know?